Chinese Zodiac Signs
The Chinese zodiac signs, also known as Shengxiao in Chinese
is rotating cycle of 12 years, with each year represented by an animal sign.
The twelve zodiac signs are Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat,
Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.
Its origin was similar to the ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches, where ancient Chinese people were able to calculate the history of five thousand years and record the chronological sequence of events. The animal signs were created to count years, with the help of old time division. Old time division was related to the number 12, where one ji equal to 12 years, one year has 12 months, one day has 12 time periods called shi chen. During in ancient China, the people observed that there were 12 moons in a year, therefore these 12 moons were converted into animal years. As well the Chinese zodiac signs are quite similar to the western zodiac signs, but the only differences is that Chinese zodiac is divided into years, while western zodiac is divided into months and the animal signs are not related to the constellations.
These Chinese animal signs also determine the personality of a person. People born with the rat signs can be manipulative, critical, intolerant and ruthless. Ox’s can be stubborn, narrow-mined, rigid and demanding. Tiger’s personalities tend to be impatient, reckless, selfish, and moody. Rabbit’s can be opportunistic, superficial, detached, and self-indulgent. Other animal signs personalities can be tyrannical (Dragon), possessive (Snake), childish (Horse), complainer (Goat), jealous (Monkey), opinionated (Rooster), judgemental (Dog), and naïve (Pig). As well the Chinese zodiac signs can determined your health, career choice, love relationship and fortune.
Its origin was similar to the ten heavenly stems and twelve earthly branches, where ancient Chinese people were able to calculate the history of five thousand years and record the chronological sequence of events. The animal signs were created to count years, with the help of old time division. Old time division was related to the number 12, where one ji equal to 12 years, one year has 12 months, one day has 12 time periods called shi chen. During in ancient China, the people observed that there were 12 moons in a year, therefore these 12 moons were converted into animal years. As well the Chinese zodiac signs are quite similar to the western zodiac signs, but the only differences is that Chinese zodiac is divided into years, while western zodiac is divided into months and the animal signs are not related to the constellations.
These Chinese animal signs also determine the personality of a person. People born with the rat signs can be manipulative, critical, intolerant and ruthless. Ox’s can be stubborn, narrow-mined, rigid and demanding. Tiger’s personalities tend to be impatient, reckless, selfish, and moody. Rabbit’s can be opportunistic, superficial, detached, and self-indulgent. Other animal signs personalities can be tyrannical (Dragon), possessive (Snake), childish (Horse), complainer (Goat), jealous (Monkey), opinionated (Rooster), judgemental (Dog), and naïve (Pig). As well the Chinese zodiac signs can determined your health, career choice, love relationship and fortune.
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